Mulher Foda Lyrics
Quem cê pensa que é?
Primeiro passo pra ser homem
Aprende a tratar direito uma mulher
É que eu não aceito
Colocar dedo na minha cara
Eu sou mulher demais
Pra engolir sapo calada
Vacilou, me perdeu
Quer mudar, mas é tarde
Vai embora da minha vida
Ou quer que eu chame um táxi
E conta pra ele o que você fez
Que uma mulher foda virou sua ex
Quis ser o bichão
Agora engole calado
Outro valorizando
E conta pra ele o que você fez
Que uma mulher foda virou sua ex
Quis ser o bichão
Agora engole calado
Outro valorizando
O que era pra você, ter valorizado
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More information about song “Mulher Foda”
Song : Mulher Foda
Artist: Simone Mendes
You might be thinking of someone else. It’s easy to get names mixed up, especially with so many talented musicians out there. Could you possibly be thinking of a different artist?
Let’s talk about some Korean artists and music groups. To help us, how about we go through some popular ones and see if any of them ring a bell?
BTS, for example, is probably the most famous Korean music group in the world. They’re known for their catchy songs, powerful performances, and inspiring messages. They even have a huge international fanbase called “ARMY.”
Maybe you’re thinking of someone from BLACKPINK, a group that’s known for their fierce style and incredible dance moves.
There’s also TWICE, a group with a lot of fun and energetic songs that are super popular.
EXO, Red Velvet, BIGBANG, and Super Junior are other very popular groups in South Korea. They all have a dedicated fan base and are incredibly talented.
If you can think of any details about the artist you’re thinking of, it might help me figure out who you’re looking for. Let me know if any of these names sound familiar or if you have any other ideas.
Categories: Top Top 77 Lyrics:Mulher Foda
Hyperanhas E Mc Mirella – Mulher Foda (Kondzilla.Com)
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