Dando Clase (Part. Bipo Montana, Soultwo, Villax Y Secuaz) Lyrics
RV en el cantón
You, hey
Yo no quiero tener nada que no me merezca
Yo pinto mi raya, lo mío no se mezcla
Vaciando envases y en bases se representa
Dando clases en frases un Flow 90’s
Si salgo es pa’ ganar y si no pa’ que
Me quedo en casa quemando, quitando otro sostén
Mes tras mes la paga, me la gasto en placer
Porque mañana me muero y no lo disfrute
Nunca me canso siempre soy el de la fiesta
El que no tiene y apuesta, siempre gana la reta
Consigo lo que quiero haciendo miles de piruetas
No me quedan dudas, siempre busco respuestas
No soy de una, ni pa’ todos los días
Ya nadie se confía como en los policías
Presumen los daños que de morro hacían
Viviendo con mamá y me hablan de narco pandillas
Mad Flava Worldwide Motherfuckers
De Costa Rica pal’ mundo papi
Rich Vagos, hey, you
Y bueno quién iba a pensar, que el hijo de un criminal
Iba a tocar un millón en la calle yo haciendo rap
Se lo decían a mamá que en esto no iba a perdurar
Ahora pierdo la noción del tiempo metido en este camp
Placozo estilo mi bro trae las hilfiger
Now I got the fuckin’ finga into the mudafucking trigga
Yo sude por esta mierda he trabajo como hormiga
En guanatos con la banda y en BC con ma’ real niggas
Dejo que hablen al final no están ni cerca
Cuando presumes es cuando no vales verga
Es por talento que estoy parado aquí mierma
Mis perros en San José gritando que reine Mad Flava
Si Jayrick suelta la base eso es un sismo
Aún tengo beef pero el final boss soy yo mismo
Los tengo ansiosos no esperan nada de este tico
Mamá si ando con los vagos, pero los vagos son ricos
Aprendí el arte puro y a pararme duro
En el unda oscuro sin dinero en mi canguro
Con la moral abajo pero mi tag en tu muro
La cumbre es envidiosa la liga donde figuro
Tanto pirata buscando hacernos el motín
No mijin me paseo en la niebla por tu jardín
Música para malandros sustancia OG Ice Te
Ni con brujería sonarían voodoo en Haití
Bajo mi último aliento y en voz baja
Un te amo de mi madre quien pelea no se raja
Entendiste mi lucha, cucha para mi es una ventaja
Pertenecientes a la esquina como Pedro Navaja
Quizá soy otro a través del espejo
De carne y hueso también siento todo a su momento
Homie siempre ha sido real lo de vivir el sueño
En una de esas caídas encontré el progreso
Que Dios me libre de la envidia y de todo eso
Que quede claro en donde estoy también de dónde vengo
Aprendiendo y e enseñado lo poco que tengo
Su sonrisa no es la misma ocupa de un diseño
A esto me dedico y lo hago bien no es por pararme el culo
Al saciar mi hambre saco a mi familia de un apuro
No saben cómo arde en la herida hoy me la curo
Pase lo que pase no pierdo la vista en el futuro
Find out more here: bunbohaile.com
More information about song “Dando Clase (Part. Bipo Montana, Soultwo, Villax Y Secuaz)”
Song : Dando Clase (Part. Bipo Montana, Soultwo, Villax Y Secuaz)
Artist: Rich Vagos
First things first, there’s no information available online about someone named Rich Vagos associated with Korean music or entertainment. It’s possible that you might have misheard or misspelled the name.
It’s common for fans to get names mixed up, especially when trying to remember new artists or groups. So, let’s try to figure out who you might be thinking of!
Do you remember any other details about this artist or group?
* Maybe you recall a song or album title?
* What kind of music do they perform? K-Pop, K-Hip Hop, or something else?
* Can you remember any other names of artists or groups they are connected to?
The more details you can provide, the better chance we have of figuring out who you’re looking for.
Just give me some more information, and we can get to the bottom of this mystery!
Possible Misspellings or Similar Names
Since we don’t know Rich Vagos yet, let’s brainstorm some potential names that might be similar or a misspelling.
Rich could be a nickname or a shortened version of a longer name.
Vagos could be a mishearing of a word or phrase, maybe something with a different pronunciation.
Could it be one of these names?
Richi (A common Korean name, especially as a nickname)
Vagabond (A word related to traveling and adventure, might be connected to a music group’s style)
Vagos (Could be a misspelled name or an actual Korean word related to music)
Let’s keep exploring!
Common Korean Names
Since Rich Vagos seems like an unusual combination, let’s explore some common Korean names that might sound similar. Maybe Rich is a nickname, and the real name is something else entirely.
Here are some common Korean names that could be related:
Seung-ri: A popular Korean name meaning “victory”
Rich: While not commonly used, it could be a nickname or a translation of a Korean name.
Sung-hyun: Means “shining” and could be shortened to “Sung” or “Hyun”.
Possible Korean Groups
We know that Rich Vagos is a Korean artist or group, so let’s look at some groups with names that might be related:
VIXX: A popular K-Pop group, the name stands for “Voice, Visual, Value in Excelsis.”
Big Bang: A legendary K-Pop group known for their music and influence.
Red Velvet: A female K-Pop group known for their catchy songs.
It’s possible that Rich Vagos might have some connection to these or other famous Korean groups.
What’s Next?
Don’t worry, we’re not giving up just yet! We’re still on the hunt for Rich Vagos. Let’s keep exploring different possibilities.
* If you remember any other details, like a song, album, or video, let me know!
* We can also try searching online using different keywords or phrases related to your memory of this artist or group.
It’s like playing a music detective game, and together, we’ll find Rich Vagos!
1. Is Rich Vagos a real artist or group?
At this point, there’s no online information about a Korean artist or group named Rich Vagos.
2. Could Rich Vagos be a pseudonym?
It’s possible! Some artists use stage names or pseudonyms.
3. What other Korean artists or groups should I check out?
There are so many fantastic Korean artists! Here are a few suggestions:
BTS: A globally famous K-Pop group known for their music and social impact.
BLACKPINK: A female K-Pop group known for their powerful performances and stylish music videos.
TWICE: A female K-Pop group known for their bright and cheerful songs.
EXO: A popular K-Pop group known for their complex concepts and diverse talents.
IU: A beloved solo singer known for her beautiful vocals and storytelling through her music.
4. Where can I find more information about Korean music?
YouTube: A great resource for music videos, live performances, and interviews.
Spotify and Apple Music: Streaming services that offer a wide variety of Korean music.
K-Pop websites and forums: Online communities dedicated to Korean music and artists.
Social media platforms: Many Korean artists and groups are active on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
5. How can I stay up to date on Korean music?
Follow Korean music charts: Websites like Melon and Gaon track the most popular songs and artists.
Subscribe to music blogs and news sites: Many websites and blogs focus on Korean music.
Join online communities: K-Pop forums and social media groups are excellent for staying informed.
6. Are there any Korean music festivals I can attend?
Yes, there are many! Some of the most famous include:
KCON: A global festival celebrating Korean culture, including music.
MAMA Awards: A major awards ceremony honoring achievements in Korean music.
Seoul Music Awards: Another significant awards ceremony recognizing the best in Korean music.
7. How can I learn more about Korean culture?
Watch Korean dramas: Known as “K-Dramas,” they offer insight into Korean life and values.
Explore Korean cuisine: There are many Korean restaurants and recipes to try.
Read Korean literature: Books by Korean authors explore Korean history, culture, and contemporary life.
8. Is it difficult to learn Korean?
Learning Korean can be challenging, but it’s also rewarding! There are many resources available, like language apps, online courses, and textbooks.
9. What are some of the most popular Korean films?
Parasite: A critically acclaimed film that won the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Train to Busan: A thrilling zombie film that became a global hit.
Burning: A suspenseful and atmospheric film that explores themes of class and desire.
10. What’s the difference between K-Pop and Korean indie music?
K-Pop is typically a genre of popular music with a focus on polished performances and catchy songs. Korean indie music is more experimental and often reflects independent artists’ personal styles.
11. Why is Korean music so popular worldwide?
Korean music, particularly K-Pop, has gained global popularity for its high production quality, energetic performances, and catchy melodies.
Categories: Top Count 40 Lyrics:Dando Clase (Part. Bipo Montana, Soultwo, Villax Y Secuaz)
2.- Bipo Montana, Soultwo, Villax, Secuaz – Dando Clase (Video Oficial)
See more: https://bunbohaile.com/category/lyrics/